Monument Baptist Church
God Centered In Preaching, Teaching, Outreach and Prayer
Sunday Mornings
Sunday School @ 9:00
Worship In the Sanctuary
or Stream Online @ 10:00
(YouTube or FaceBook)
Childrens Church@ 10:00
Up Coming Events
Monday @ 8:00 AM
Men's Coffee and Prayer
Wednesday @11:00 AM
Churchwide Prayer
Thursday @ 10:00 AM
Ladies Prayer and Coffee
Pastor Ray and Dianna Shirley
TOur Core Values
1. Take the Gospel to our community, Colorado, North America, andthe ends of the earth.
2. Create an environment that brings the worshiper into a life changing experience with the living God.
3. Unite as a family through fellowship.
4. Equip our church family through the preaching and teaching of the inerrant Word of God.
5. Serve the Lord by ministering to others.
Phone: 970-242-9403
Address: 486 23 Road, Grand Junction, Colorado 81507